Tuesday, July 05, 2005



Tuesday, June 07, 2005




Shaving today. Cut myself badly. *cough* They sure make today's razors sharp, unless...

*gasp* That's my left cheek I just sliced off!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Still under the weather

Well, we're still under the weather. Really under the weather. Been very mucousy lately.

Hmm. Also been having strange appetites lately--a savage, primal hunger. Fluffy was delicious.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Been under the weather...

Whew! Sorry about that, Dear Journal. I didn't mean to miss so many entries, but I've been feeling a little under the weather lately.

Bonnie hasn't improved much. She still looks a little pekid and feverish. A couple of days ago, she bit me. I must've startled her in the middle of some flu-induced hallucination. And she bit me. Then our cat Fluffy bit me. Then I bit Fluffy.

None of us have been feeling well lately.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Our cat Fluffy

Bonnie's still not feeling very well, so we'll have to put off the trip to the BMW dealership until later in the week.

The cat has been acting strange all morning. Ol' Fluffy is looking a little, um, what's the word? Not "sluggish." What's that word? ...um, "bitten." Fluffy is looking a little bitten this morning.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Dinner at the Johnsons

Dinner at the Johnsons' was fun. Bonnie and I did get a little tipsy from the wine. I warned her, "hon, now don't get tipsy." But we did. We got tipsy.

It was just like the good ol' days at Sigma Kappa Delta Gamma Phi. Good times.

Bonnie said she's not feeling well, so I'd better go put her to bed. Too much wine.

Tomorrow we have to get up early to go to the BMW and get the biggest gas-guzzling SUV we can find. Hopefully, it will cost a lot and serve as a reminder to normal people how great we are.

Life sure is swell!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Dear journal...

I do so like golf. I played a round today at the club with Jim Johnson and John Jameson (from the office). Jim tried to take a mulligan on the 16th! What a scamp!

Bonnie and I are having dinner at the Johnson's tomorrow night. I think I'll bring a bottle of red wine. No, white. No, red. No...no...white. I hope we take small sips. Wouldn't want to get tipsy!

I like my life. Things are all going my way!